The Keys to Success

Team Building Seminars and Conference Tours for Managers

Enjoy Fontainebleau has 20 years of experience in accompanying companies, and delivers team building seminars as well as conference visits specifically designed for the professional world.
Get out of your everyday life and connect with History and Art to help you pass on subtle messages and to develop innovative and inspiring thought patterns in your professional activity.

Follow in the footsteps of some of the greatest figures in French history and grasp the keys to success.

Francois premier

Francis 1:
the Phoenix of the Renaissance

The last knight-king would never have left such a dazzling memory if he had not been confronted, on several occasions, with major failures. Francis I fed on his failures and learned humility while nurturing great projects. On the brink of the abyss, he showed incredible resilience to rebuild himself stronger and to mobilize his creativity and audacity. Thanks to his total strategy, we remember him as one of the great sovereigns of France. This inspiring conference will mobilize the talents to which you entrust ambitious and long-term projects.

Henri IV

Henri 1V :
the Ace of Social Relations and Management

Seductive, bon vivant, and brawler, Henri IV above all managed to stay the course in an uncertain and hostile world that was in perpetual motion. In the context of the wars of religion, Henri IV showed adaptation, perseverance, and vision. He proved to be an exceptional leader of men, pragmatic and incredibly skilful in mediation. This conference visit that helps to gain a better understanding of social relations and management in times of crisis and organizational change.


Colbert :
the Father of Sustainable Development

Today, sustainable development is one of the essential strategies for creating value. This conference allows us to go back to the origins of sustainable development policies in the century of Louis XIV and to put the key factors of success and the pitfalls to be avoided into perspective. Thanks to this contribution of meaning and context, and to this projection into another era and another environment, participants will be able to build a new innovative and creative vision of their operational activities and their management strategy.

Nicolas Fouquet

Nicolas Fouquet :
the Champion in Recruitment and Talent Management

To create the masterpiece that is Vaux le Vicomte, Nicolas Fouquet selected and attracted talented and high potential artists. He created the conditions for their synergy by proving to be an exceptional manager. Whether you are operational or in charge of HR, come and take a fresh look at your employer brand, your recruitment strategy, your sourcing of high potentials executives and talent management by discovering this man with an extraordinary destiny.

Andre Le Notre

André Le Nôtre :
the 1llusionist

The ingenious designer of the Jardins de Vaux le Vicomte offers us an astonishing and relevant lesson on the tricks that our perception of the environment play on us. Shortcuts and haste are devious traps that should not be underestimated. In a context where every decision is meant to be strategic, how can we apprehend an environment that often appears distorted and of which we only have a truncated vision?

Napoleon premier

Napoléon Bonaparte :
the Communication and Personal Branding Virtuoso

From Corsican child to French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte’s talents were numerous, but the promotion of his own image was the most decisive of all. To the very end, he made his reign and his life an epic. Like him, take the side of innovative strategy to achieve your goals and take all your collaborators with you in shaping the vision that your competitors and partners will have of you.

These conference visits are delivered, according to their theme, at the Château de Fontainebleau, at the Château de Vaux le Vicomte, and in the Fontainebleau National Forest.